Saturday, July 29, 2006

Morning fight

I fought the alligators from my bed when I awoke. Too much late night TV and nachos had slowed me down. The piles of dirty clothes and unused bed linens strewn around my bedroom left the Proust reading reptiles futily snapping at my sleeping face when the alarm went off. In the end it was a draw.

I've always questioned why I don't do anything about the alligators before I go to bed at night. It probably just slips my mind, I have really important stuff to do you know. Today was going to be gather-up-the-garbage-out-of-the-basement-and-maybe-finally-fix-some-of-those-leaks day but my daughter was invited to a party and I had decided to make fondue for dinner that night. There is a lot of work to be done, crap to gather, children to shuttle and cheese to melt.

Before that I had to return some phone calls, and find out what had happened to my fencing mask. I think I left it at the fencing studio where I had competed recently, but couldn't remember for sure. The wounds were still just healing and the doctors said I shouldn't mess with any more angry mammals for while, and to those quacks it apparently makes little difference if it is a sanctioned event or not. Needless to say, my favorite fencing mask was missing and I had to practice in my dingy and ill fitting older mask with the questionable dents in it last night.

All in all breakfast was expected to go well, as long as my son had not eaten all the bagels, or the coffee, or anything else he might mistake for food at night. Like one of those sleepwalkers that take that medication, he just eats stuff at night. Not all of it is strictly food, but I seem to remember that being a typical tings for a teenager to do. I am not worried, until it encroaches on my breakfast.

Coffee, and other food is consumed, and my daughter has been awake for hours. As long as you consider no-name oaty-o's as food, and tea as coffee. If you don't consider them so, well then I guess you would think I hadn't achieved anything, and I can live with that. It's not like you are my parents or anything, and I don't care what you think, I was neither hungy nor sleepy (though the andrenaline from the alligator fight was still gushing).

Can't write more. I have cheese to melt.

Truthfully yours